Jen, Emily, and Mik Chan

Jen, Em, and Mik 

Jen (CEO), Mik (CF0), and Emily Chan (COO)


We first met at a birthday party at our friend Chris’s house.   

Almost a whole year later, we bumped into each other again (this time at a bar in Cabbagetown). We immediately fell in love and made out all the time. 

And then we got married.

Mik, our son, soon followed. 

Still, we knew there was something more that we wanted to complete our family; we have always had a restaurant family. And we have spent our lives (separately & together) experimenting in the kitchen, hosting friends and family for insane amounts of dinner around cramped tables, and daydreaming about opening our own restaurant.

And so, JenChan's Delivery Supper Club was born.


Eat Supper Together.